Phone Genius - check battery, ping, RAM, CPU, WiFi, storage & more app for iPhone and iPad
Hello! Im Albert, your Phone Genius!
I am here to monitor your device performance.
I will provide you powerful data of all devices resources (such as CPU, memory, disk, battery or data usage) and access to operating system information like currently running processes, routing table and many more!
I know everything about:
- current level & state (discharging, charging, full)
- work time for different types of usage (standby, audio/video playback, web browsing or talking)
- real time memory usage (I can graphically display wired, active, inactive and free memory)
- real time CPU usage
- used and free disk capacity
- 3G and Wi-Fi network connection information
- IP address, DNS server or default gateway
- carrier information
- received and sent WiFi/Cellular data
- routing table
- speed test
Hope to meet you soon!